LONDON, ON -- As tens of thousands of people prepare for March Break travel, many have questions and concerns about the COVID-19 virus.

"Regardless of where you are travelling this March Break, and even if you are staying close to home, it is really important that you remember the little things you can do to protect your family from infectious diseases," says Dr. Alex Summers, the associate medical officer of health at the Middlesex London Health Unit.

Summers says the health unit is reminding people to wash their hands regularly, cough into their elbow, and if you’re really feeling unwell, to stay at home.

"It can be very scary and it can be hard to know what we need to do. It can be hard to know if we should be travelling or not," says Summers. 

"It is hard to anticipate where things are going to evolve so it is important to know we can control the things we can control as families and as individuals and as a community."

The health unit says with many vacations planned this March Break, it's important for people and families to be informed before heading on vacation. 

"Make sure you understand what the spread of disease is [at your destination]. The Public Health Agency of Canada website provides up to date travel advice that will help inform your decision."

Meanwhile, there are other viruses and infections that should also not be forgotten, especially if you are travelling to a tropical destination.

"In places like Mexico and Cuba about 90 per cent of people that come back can come back with a travel illness," says Nick Vander Gulik, pharmacist at Shoppers Drug Mart on Richmond Street in London. 

Vander Gulik says most of those travellers end up with a gastrointestinal bug. He says that’s why it is important to talk to a health care professional about your travel plans before heading out. 

"They can get their vaccines in the pharmacy and they can ask questions about their destination and we can look up what medications they should bring," says Vander Gulik. 

"There’s lots of things that the pharmacist can help people with as they travel and prepare to go down south for March Break and travel across the world."