OTTAWA - The RCMP have laid 16 more charges against a London, Ont., man originally charged last April in connection with the Heartbleed computer bug and the loss of data from the Canada Revenue Agency website.

Stephen Arthuro Solis-Reyes had been charged only with unauthorized use of a computer and mischief in relation to data, in the revenue agency case.

An expanded RCMP investigation produced more charges in the revenue case, plus new allegations of other attacks both in Canada and abroad.

The Mounties now allege Solis-Reyes transferred sensitive data from the revenue agency's network and have charged the computer science student with obtaining a computer service directly or indirectly, and intercepting a function of a computer system.

They also allege he attacked several other unrelated computer networks.

The additional charges include illegally obtaining computer services, illegal interception of computer functions, five counts of possessing unauthorized computer passwords, three counts of possession of devices used to hack computers and two more counts of mischief to data.