An offensive billboard outside of the London Abused Women's Centre will be covered over after an outcry from the organization and their landlord.

After moving into a new building at the corner of York and Rectory Streets this week, a billboard went up right outside that is offending both the LAWC and Londoners.

It advertises an escort service in London, and is visible from the road, the sidewalk and even the parking lot where clients would park.

Saundra-Lynn Coulter of the LAWC says "This is very disappointing to have here given that and that women may feel unsafe seeing that sign there and what that suggests to them."

The billboard is owned by CBS Outdoor Canada and sits on a piece of land that is not owned by Southside Group, which owns most of the surrounding property.

Despite it not being on their property, Southside issued a complaint to CBS via email that reads in part "We fully support the London Abused Women's Centre and all their initiatives. In fact we incorporate a clause into all of our leases restricting such uses from all our properties to ensure our tenants that we do not condone offensive uses."

The fact that the billboard showed up just days after the LAWC moved into their new home has people wondering how it could have happened.

Staff at the LAWC say the sign runs counter to work the centre has been doing to try to help end human trafficking.

"We've taken a leading role advocating for legislation to criminalize buyers of sex - pimps and traffickers - and we believe the sex trade exploits prostituted women so this is very disappointing to have here," Coulter says.

Late Friday afternoon, Megan Walker, executive director of LAWC, told CTV News she has heard from CBS and they have decided to cover the billboard.

CBS had hoped to remove it Friday, but the wind was too strong so it is expected to be done by the end of the weekend.