A new partnership between Montessori Academy and Orgaworld London has seen a drop in landfill waste produced by the school by up to 85%.

A diversion program that began in February of this year has seen an 80 to 85% drop in landfill waste.

As part of the program, Waste Management comes to the school’s five locations to empty green bins and take the compostable waste to Orgaworld London. The waste materials are then turned into energy, fuel and agricultural products at Orgaworld.

“It has been amazing to see how much of our waste that used to go straight into landfill collection now goes directly into our new green compost bins,” says Montessori Academy Executive Director Margaret Whitley in a news release.

“Short of some wrappers and other odd non-recyclable items, the vast majority of waste is either compostable or can be recycled through the city.”