They may not be the first places that come to mind when you think of drug overdoses, but city arenas could become the next battleground in the fight against opioid overdoses.

London city council’s Community and Protective Services Committee will on Wednesday be asked to approve a one-year pilot project to install naloxone kits at 29 year-round community centres across the city.

Two nasal spray naloxone kits would be placed anywhere there’s a defibrillator and the kits would be available for public use.

While city staff would be provided with awareness and safety training, they would not be required as part of their job duties to administer the naloxone.

The pilot project would begin in June, and cost of $18,000 to $23,000 for the equipment and training.

According to a staff report there have been no reported incidences of opioid overdoses at City of London facilities.