Perth OPP took two 15-year-olds to their detachment in Listowel early Sunday morning, saying they broke a curfew.

The male and female were seen walking in the town near the intersection of Argyle Ave. N. and Inkerman St. W. around 2 a.m. and picked up by police.

Their parents were contacted by police and told to come and get the children.

Officers told the parents they were enforcing a provincial curfew, which states that children under the age of 16 that are found in a public place or in a place of public entertainment between midnight and 6 a.m., without an authorized responsible adult, will be apprehended by police. 

This curfew legislation falls under the authority of the provincial Child and Family Services Act and has been effectively used by police to ensure children are not wandering around unsupervised during the night

OPP say the onus is on parents to know where their children are at all times. If they are staying at a friend’s place, be sure this is communicated between parents, they say.