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High school students happy with return to traditional semester learning model


High school students have returned to the semester model.

The model that some students are experiencing for the first time, has four classes instead of the two longer courses under the ‘Quadmester’ model that became commonplace during COVID.

Grade 12 student Kianna Hardcastle is happy for the switch

“Yes, I'm very excited because it's a lot easier now because we're not so bombarded with work and everything we don't have like one week of work just in one day,” said Hardcastle.

Grade 9 and 10 students are getting their first taste of the semester system, with mixed reactions.

“It's really nice experiencing it for the first time,” says Grade 10 student Kaylen Regan. “It's a lot nicer than sitting in one class for like, two hours.”

Christina Sizonenko adds, “You kind of get used to it fast. I got used to it even though I've only done two classes but I definitely like it more.”

But not all students like the pacing of the new/old model.

“The classes, we only got like five minutes to travel and like we should get a 10 minute break,” expressed Ethan Doreen.

Thames Valley Director of Education Mark Fisher says it’s a unique situation, and hopes they can finish the year like this.

“We are adjusting and adapting regularly. The good thing is that if for some reason we have to pivot back to a modified semester system, we can do that kind of on a two-week notice, but we really hope to have the system in place for as long as possible, and it's another step towards normalizing school life for students and staff,” said Fisher.

President of the local Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, John Bernans shares in the hope, but says, the education system has to figure out how to make up for the learning disruptions of the past two years.

“The discussion now has to shift to how do we fill those learning gaps that may have been caused by the pandemic.”

The majority of students CTV News London spoke with Monday, say this is a sign of life getting back to normal, and with some sports starting up again as well, there is hope the year can end with some sort of normality. Top Stories

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