It looks like a hospital room, but it's actually 2-year-old Ethan Hart's home where his parents do what they can to keep their little guy alive around the clock.

"I promised him that I would never give up on him," says Ethan's father Ron Hart.

Ethan was born at 27 weeks and spent most of his first year in the hospital.

"They basically told us the only way we would be taking him home is for him to pass away," says Ethan's mom Denise Hart.

Ethan is now two and has defied the odds but he has a long list of health complications.

"He has vocal cord paralyzation, he had two grade four brain hemorrhages, so he has a shunt because of that he has a G tube because he has oral feeding difficulties," says Denise.

Thanks to his medical needs, Ethan has to travel to the hospital often, but has to do so in a car seat which is not ideal.

"The way he sits, it's blocking part of his oxygen flow to his lungs. So I drive and my wife sits in the back to make sure he can still breath," says Ron.

Ethan needs to be transported in a wheelchair but that would require a wheelchair accessible van, something that's not affordable since both parents are unable to work in order to care for their son.

Ethan's parents are doing whatever they can to raise enough money for the van.

Denise is making hand painted ornaments and her husband makes stuffyholders for toys.

The family has been approved for several grants but are still $10,000 short for the van.

But they won't let this new challenge stop them.

"He's here and he's still fighting. He's not giving up and neither will we," says Denise.

To help donate, you can deposit funds into Ethan’s Scotiabank account, #67132 02769 28 or email funds to