The London District Catholic school board is cutting 16 full-time positions as it struggles to deal with declining enrolment.

The board is issuing 53 layoff notices, but many of the people affected will be re-hired in part-time positions.

Those impacted include librarians, custodians, maintenance personnel and educational assistants.

"We've lost 400 students and that's the equivalent of two or three elementary schools and they're spread out throughout the system so we need to reduce our costs,” says Jacquie Davison, business superintendent and treasurer with the board.

"We get paid based on the number of students we have. That's what the formula is and we can no longer support that number of support staff in the schools."

Davison says more tough decisions are coming in the fall and further cuts may have to be made.

The board’s budget discussion will continue on Monday with a public input session.

The board will debate the budget on June 13, with approval expected the following week.